Everything else I run at high, on both systems. It’s no secret that NVIDIA’s new GeForce GTX 1080 is the fastest single-GPU card on the planet, but what can it do exactly?That’s what we’re going to find out, as we take the top-end Pascal card through the paces in overclocking, and then find its ‘Best Playable’ settings across a handful of games at both 4K … As promised in my review about the Reverb G2, here are my settings in the Nvidia Control Panel, DCS and Steam VR. NVIDIA and Tobii collaborated to enhance VRSS with dynamic foveated rendering enabled by Tobii Spotlight, an eye-tracking technology specialized for foveation. DSR is useless in VR, and only affects desktop usage.

Select the target program from the first drop-down menu. VR now performs 10-25% better and I think you get bigger HUD. capable of running a game from 60 -120 FPS. The system performance settings within Nvidia control panel are very subjective and everyone has a different idea on whats best. Once it opens, navigate to the Manage 3D settings tab. Best Nvidia control panel settings for VR ? Do settings make a difference in VR with newest driver? HP Reverb, i5 8700K at 5. In the later stages of the guide, we’ll be configuring the Nvidia Settings to get the best performance.